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  1. M

    Canes vs UNC

    I really don’t see it. He made some great runs and a few good passes but he missed like 10+ wide open guys with bad throws. He had a horrible horrible game. The one thing you can say is he has heart and fight just his arm let him down start to finish today
  2. M

    Canes vs UNC

    Couple good throws does not negate being horrible all game. Dude has a lot of room to improve. A lot. A ******* lot
  3. M

    Canes vs UNC

    These young guys have some fight. Love to see but might buy Mandy more time smh
  4. M

    Canes vs UNC

    Tyler Van Rosier needs to throw another pick and get this rout back on track
  5. M

    Canes vs UNC

    Ugh. UNC just will not take the blowout we are giving them. If not for the refs we would have a solid 7 on the pick 6 our offense is horrible and I said it once I’ll say it again tvd lookin like rosier out there
  6. M

    Canes vs UNC

    This reminds me of Rosier. Missed wide open receivers all over the place and right to the defender picks
  7. M

    Canes vs UNC

    James Williams ******* us over by making plays only to team up with Stevenson to right his wrong. Atta boy
  8. M

    Canes vs UNC

    Well.. Garcia can’t get healthy soon enough
  9. M

    Canes vs UNC

    This is it boys. This is finally going to be it for Mandy
  10. M

    Canes vs UNC

    Hall might be the worst defensive player we have ever had for real. He makes knowles look like Jesus Christ mixed with Ed reed
  11. M

    Canes vs UNC

    TVD looks bad. Tons of open throws have been missed so far
  12. M

    Canes vs UNC

    The one time we get the refs on our side and we don’t want them… conspiracy
  13. M

    Canes vs UNC

    Funny how our VERY OBVIOUS man 1 look is exploited with teams attacking hall or bolden for the 1 billionth game in a row. Literally has learned nothing at all as a coordinator
  14. M

    Canes vs UNC

    Mandy plays on rookie mode in madden
  15. M

    Canes vs UNC

    I hate ripping on players to the point of abuse but holy god does bolden put in 0% effort. Get the F off this team