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  1. J

    Moves are being made

    Just beware of the ol’ posting of an old picture from social media and acting like it just happened and came from his own personal stash... That’s when you’ll know it was DSJ all along.
  2. J

    Moves are being made

    All that being said, I wouldn’t be mad if the plot twist was Chud being hired at OC.
  3. J

    Moves are being made

    Yeah I agree 100%... I appreciate any inside info anyone is willing to share, that is literally how I found this place and exactly why I stay. Whether it be good news, bad news, clout chasing, intentionally directed, inaccurate, fluid, whatever. I appreciate it all. But you said it perfectly...
  4. J

    Moves are being made

    This exactly, dude comes out of the wood work with “first hand knowledge” and throws a specific name out to the board that he doesn’t even participate in... I don’t think we have a fake insider here.... but I do believe these new insider posts are being done with intent.
  5. J

    Moves are being made

    If you come join the Bold City Brigade just lower your expectations, expect to be a bottom dweller, and you can avoid the soul crushing.
  6. J

    Moves are being made

    Pretty sure OP is the same dude who broke the Avantae Williams news to the board in real time... Edit: OP is NOT the same dude.