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  1. We the Boss

    NFL Gruden out!

    Haha don’t project. It’s no virtue to live in fear of what others will put up with. He wasn’t sending a professionals email. He was email a friend on his friends work account. It’s a symptom of our low morality culture that we take witch hunts over substantive virtue.
  2. We the Boss

    NFL Gruden out!

    People like you are why the cowards are winning.
  3. We the Boss

    NFL Gruden out!

    This explains why they are generally successful in a cut throat business and not pussies.
  4. We the Boss

    NFL Gruden out!

    The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. - Jon Gruden
  5. We the Boss

    NFL Gruden out!

    If every man who said that about Rodger was fired tomorrow, no football fan would be employed.
  6. We the Boss

    NFL Gruden out!

    He could probably make 10 Ms doing a podscast and talking that real spit. Barstool would pay him 20 mil upfront tomorrow as a sign on bonus.
  7. We the Boss

    NFL Gruden out!

    When Gruden’s emails leaked and you’re off the front page