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  1. H

    Manny on Joe Rose 10/11

    Admitting it to whom? Maybe he has admitted it to the people he HAS to admit it to. I'm saying putting his failures in the Miami Herald will not endear him to anyone. You're asking him to do something that just might make the criticism against him and the team even louder. You're right though...
  2. H

    Manny on Joe Rose 10/11

    I remember reading someplace an OC stating that every play called is meant to go for a touchdown. I agree with that. Sometimes you can call a play where the odds of scoring are low, but even a crushing run into the teeth of the defense is supposed to be executed so well that the rb explodes out...
  3. H

    Manny on Joe Rose 10/11

    Manny did do this, he just skipped right to the "our players have to play better part". Jimmy Lake didn't say, because we coach better, the kids will play better, he said "our kids have to play better". Period. They bear some of the responsibility. Are Miami coaches coaching better? Maybe.
  4. H

    Manny on Joe Rose 10/11

    That would be a nightmare. There is zero benefit to prostrating himself before this fanbase. No matter what he says it'll be ripped to shreds anyway. I thought his interview was insightful and honest. Seems to me he's still trying to find answers.