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  1. Handsome Squidbum

    Losers play for the field goal

    Here's the thing. If the team scores a TD with time on the clock and then the D allows UVA to drive the length of the field, the players understand it was on them and blame themselves for failing to hold the lead. But when the HC takes it out of their hands and wants to run 3 plays to take...
  2. Handsome Squidbum

    Losers play for the field goal

    Would Lane Kiffin play for a FG with 1:30 on the clock, at the UVA 13 yard line and 3 timeouts? I think not.
  3. Handsome Squidbum

    Losers play for the field goal

    Or roll TVD out like he's going to the end zone with all WRs running routes in the end zone, and hit Cam, who was in Beast Mode, with a shovel pass. He will be taking on DBs trying to come out of the end zone to make a tackle and I like that match up
  4. Handsome Squidbum

    Losers play for the field goal

    Fade route with Rambo. Fake the in breaking route to freeze the CB (I think there is a good chance he would bite since the D was obviously gassed) then he turns up for the fade. Worst case scenario TVD throws it too far and it goes out of bounds. Safe play into the end zone.
  5. Handsome Squidbum

    Losers play for the field goal

    With a professional kicker? OK. A freshman kicker who has been shaky? Uh... No.
  6. Handsome Squidbum

    Losers play for the field goal

    FGs are never gimmies, especially high pressure ones. And especially ones where you own coach ices his kicker. It comes down to this- do you want to rely on your freshman kicker or your freshman QB who was carving up the D? Maybe it's Monday morning quarterbacking, but I ride with the field...
  7. Handsome Squidbum

    Losers play for the field goal

    The football gods frown on cowardly coaching.
  8. Handsome Squidbum

    Losers play for the field goal

    You play for the TD. If you end up having to try a FG, so be it, but the whole strategy there was bleed clock and rely on FG to win.