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  1. filmcane

    Disappointed in dline play this year

    Pretty spot on analysis.
  2. filmcane

    Disappointed in dline play this year

    Touche'! Also, if Miami paid attention to conventional wisdom, we never would have reinvented how defense is played. We should always be seeking to maximize our players, not perpetually put them in positions to fail.
  3. filmcane

    Disappointed in dline play this year

    It's been well-documented on CIS that when you fail as HC at the U, it doesn't bode well for your future. And the reason for that is - any slightly above average coach (not good, solid or great) should be able to stumble backwards into 9 wins a year with our schedule. I mean, the measure of...
  4. filmcane

    Disappointed in dline play this year

    He did a great job last time and we're 4 games in. I'll slide more to your side if I don't see the boys improving on the DL as the season progresses.
  5. filmcane

    Disappointed in dline play this year

    Agreed on your previous post, but disagree on this one. Just because others aren't currently doing a thing isn't a reason not to do it if it works. The key is, it has to work. We don't have a lot to lose at this point, so why not try it out?
  6. filmcane

    Disappointed in dline play this year

    What Brock said.
  7. filmcane

    Disappointed in dline play this year

    Yep. Everything you said. Again, if we're gonna suck at pass rushing, then at least shore up the outside run D. No reason to suck at both and wish things were different.
  8. filmcane

    Disappointed in dline play this year

    No matter who is the HC this offseason, we need the portal to provide some key guys on both sides of the ball. In other words, we need guys that have been properly trained somewhere else, so they can help with our own players who have not been adequately trained.
  9. filmcane

    Disappointed in dline play this year

    Which is why I think they should at least put those bigger bodies on the end. If we can't apply pressure on the QB, then at least put guys in that will help out with the outside run game. Right now, we don't have guys doing either.
  10. filmcane

    Disappointed in dline play this year

    That's a good point, but if it were me with my career hanging in the balance, I would cut down on rotating out difference makers.
  11. filmcane

    Disappointed in dline play this year

    I guess I wasn't paying attention to that part of it. Are you saying the ONLY DE who has consistently been disruptive and caused turnovers is NOT starting??? Reason number 6,3477 as to why Manny is unfit to be our HC. Manny's entire career is hanging by a fraying thread and he's not starting...
  12. filmcane

    Disappointed in dline play this year

    It's a great point! If we're not getting an effective pass rush from speedier, lighter guys, then put some of these DT hybrids in there and at minimum they should be able to set the edge better and perhaps even get after the QB a little. It's certainly worth some experimentation this Thursday...