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  1. Dwinstitles

    Disappointed in dline play this year

    It doesn't bode well because we hire scrubs. We need an alpha like a Freeze, Mario, those types. And I will be adament about I'm concerned and don't have a good feeling on Lane Kiffin here but that's just me.
  2. Dwinstitles

    Disappointed in dline play this year

    I could bet my account it won't be at bama
  3. Dwinstitles

    Disappointed in dline play this year

    They need a new LB coach DL coach WR coach OL coach. Keep DVD and TRob. Everyone else let them go....I don't mind the RB coach but bruh we need some first rounders at tailback.
  4. Dwinstitles

    Disappointed in dline play this year

    We have been epic bad at DL Linebackers OL and defensive back until TRob.
  5. Dwinstitles

    Disappointed in dline play this year

    I remember me and u excited af about Phillips cause of the burst. We were just waiting to see if he put that on the field cause his HS film screamed first round type talent.
  6. Dwinstitles

    Disappointed in dline play this year

    He plays hard. Reason people think he's trash is cause he was too hyped in HS. But he is who he is and gives it his all and has a dog mentality. I'll take a sfla kid like that always. I won't fill the roster with them but I'm ok with a few of those.
  7. Dwinstitles

    Disappointed in dline play this year

    He has a motor though and he's limited athletically. If he had an elite frame he would be a monster.
  8. Dwinstitles

    Disappointed in dline play this year

    They were lucky to land Phillips and have G15 be who he was. Other than that everything on that DL has been shut. We have Simpson who could teach but u need to be able to recruit. If u can't do that find someone else who can. Diaz is fuqed that hire and his recruiting cost him this job. And...
  9. Dwinstitles

    Disappointed in dline play this year

    What did u expect look at the fuqin names on the DL and how we recruited. I said we would have no pass rush and everyone was talking Harvey based off of HS film when he hasn't shown no burst off the line. They won't get that much pressure all year.