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  1. BS85

    Cristobol chew out Frosh for celebrating.......

    No idea how this is relevant to what I posted but i agree
  2. BS85

    Cristobol chew out Frosh for celebrating.......

    I think we're talking about different things. I was asked why I defended Mario's win while I gave Manny **** for his win over App State. I wasn't advocating for Mario to be Miami's coach.
  3. BS85

    Cristobol chew out Frosh for celebrating.......

    Giving up 19 points is horrendous? Also, i don't care that much. I'm not completely sold on Mario but he's WAY better than Manny. He's earned the right to win an ugly game without worrying too much since they've looked pretty good otherwise. Manny hasn't earned a ******* thing since the team...
  4. BS85

    Cristobol chew out Frosh for celebrating.......

    - Every team has weeks where they just don't play well for whatever reason. It's not because of a coaching issue, isn't necessarily because players aren't trying, **** just happens. Sometimes it's just a matchup issue. You have to win those ugly games. That's what Oregon did. -Now with Miami...
  5. BS85

    Cristobol chew out Frosh for celebrating.......

    ......I questioned why he wears a visor and not a hat......i feel attacked