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  1. DTP

    Tears Duck Tears

    Just a heads up, Samford (not Stanford) kept it closer vs UGA than Oregon did.
  2. DTP

    Tears Duck Tears

    Exactly. In the big picture they’re way down on the list of teams I want to implode. But still…..**** the ducks
  3. DTP

    Tears Duck Tears

    Oregon was getting 16 points. Nobody expected them to win but I don’t think anyone thought they were going to lose by 46
  4. DTP

    Tears Duck Tears

    There was a small contingency who were really on the Lane Train at first but even most of them jumped on board when it became pretty clear Mario was the guy. I personally only remember one guy who was still supporting Manny last off season and I’m like 50% sure that guy was a troll. Or...
  5. DTP

    Tears Duck Tears

    They got beat like an FCS team. Georgia is more talented and should have won the game regardless but Oregon got obliterated without even putting up the slightest fight. Georgia was replacing their entire defense and brought back an offense that was missing the two leading rushers that carried...
  6. DTP

    Tears Duck Tears

    36 teams won more than 8 games last year. 23 from P5 conferences including Notre Dame and BYU. It’s not really that odd. Quite a few of those teams have zero 5 star players.
  7. DTP

    Tears Duck Tears

    You don’t need an entire roster of 5 stars to win more than 8 games.
  8. DTP

    Tears Duck Tears

    He likely would be fired from FSU by now if he’d gone 8-4 every year like he does at A&M
  9. DTP

    Tears Duck Tears

    It took me a second to realize that’s what you were going for. Solid job though.
  10. DTP

    Tears Duck Tears

    My initials. Also, that’s me in the photo too but I cut the Mohawk a long time ago
  11. DTP

    Tears Duck Tears

    No please. Tell me I’m an idiot and why I should have voted for your preferred politician. That will totally get me to change my mind😂
  12. DTP

    Tears Duck Tears

    I always do my best not to say something on the internet I wouldn’t say in person. It’s why I don’t pretend to be a badass or rich or whatever the **** people like to pretend they are. Besides, people tend to overestimate the impact their opinions have on strangers.
  13. DTP

    Tears Duck Tears

    This is literally the problem with Twitter and social media in general. It gives random idiots a platform to be obnoxious in a fake reality where they can’t be held accountable for being a jerk.
  14. DTP

    Tears Duck Tears

    Nike bro! Phil knight bro! Facilities bro! 500 *** *** uniforms bro!