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  1. AUcane

    Tears Duck Tears

    Also from Oregon fans… Mario is a crappy game day coach and micro manages the offense. Herbert! Mario only excels at recruiting. Mario left the cupboard bare for lanning.
  2. AUcane

    Tears Duck Tears

  3. AUcane

    Tears Duck Tears

    USC/UCLA reportedly leaving the pac10
  4. AUcane

    Tears Duck Tears

    In light of the news today, I think this warrants a bump
  5. AUcane

    Tears Duck Tears

    Mods, can we now move this one to the recruiting board?
  6. AUcane

    Tears Duck Tears

    Like when McDougle was asked (after beating Nebraska) if he thought Oregon would have been a better matchup. He laughed and said “Oregon?! We’d whip Oregon.”
  7. AUcane

    Tears Duck Tears

    Faces I haven’t seen in years! Great stuff
  8. AUcane

    Tears Duck Tears

    I know for a fact he did. Maybe not on the sidelines but at the Hecht when he hosted recruits and took pics with them. I recall people on the board making a big deal exclaiming “oMg cOrcH RiChT iS WeArIng YeEzYs!!1!”
  9. AUcane

    Tears Duck Tears

    I thought richt used to wear Yeezys
  10. AUcane

    Tears Duck Tears

    Sheesh at these guys that can’t take a hint yet. Almost feel sorry for them.
  11. AUcane

    Tears Duck Tears

    Not only that, Oregon athletics ran a deficit in 2021. Lol
  12. AUcane

    Tears Duck Tears

    Lol at being chesty over the 9th ranked recruiting class