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  1. Handsome Squidbum

    Fire Blake James

    Proceeds buy tickets on the Lane Train. ALL ABOARD
  2. Handsome Squidbum

    Fire Blake James

    "UM peaked in ranking at no. 38 in the 2012 report, during former President Donna Shalala’s tenure. Now 19 spots away from that point, UM is tied with FSU at 57th, sitting 23 spots from the University of Florida, which is ranked no. 34." When the university that costs 50k per year in tuition...
  3. Handsome Squidbum

    Fire Blake James

    Blake James makes Lynn Swann look like Sam Jankovich
  4. Handsome Squidbum

    Fire Blake James

    I know everyone wants to direct their rage at Diaz, but he's a symptom of a larger disease. Maybe Miami has to carry Diaz through the end of the season but Blake James can be held accountable today.