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  1. Fluffhead

    Fire Blake James

    Get this guy out of my life please.
  2. Fluffhead

    Fire Blake James

    Philly Night? Or do a Death to Disco Night?
  3. Fluffhead

    Fire Blake James

    This is when people will tell you the US News rankings are flawed and irrelevant and why the WSJ ones or whatever are better. Unfortunately, while the process is flawed, perception is reality and those are the most looked at.
  4. Fluffhead

    Fire Blake James

    To be fair, Clemson is a rotational game in the conference. Also, we play A&M week three, not week one. I don’t think anyone is sayinv to not schedule a bug out of conference game a year, just to not do it week one. We have enough to **** on Blake James without missing the mark completely.
  5. Fluffhead

    Fire Blake James

    He does, or at least used to. Worst case scenario, she gets so annoyed she puts laxatives in his coffee.
  6. Fluffhead

    Fire Blake James

    They used to also post their emails… I wonder why they pulled those down.
  7. Fluffhead

    Fire Blake James

    This guy saw the Peter Principle and raised it.