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  1. C

    Fire Blake James

    I have no problem with Frenk getting lost as well, but again, that's on the BOT. I didn't want Frenk to begin with , I wanted Stavridis or someone from that group. I wanted someone that was forward thinking, a competitor that could build on what Dr. Shalala and Foote started. She was a master...
  2. C

    Fire Blake James

    Frenk isn't the person responsible for firing Blake James. The BOT will be the ones that handle that job. The university president will be the one that ultimately signs off, because well, that's what he does. That said, the BOT makes a recommendation, it's rubber stamped.
  3. C

    Fire Blake James

    Good lord, people can't be this dense. He didn't get to pick the Clemson game. And yes, Miami is always going to have a top end OOC game on the slate, because that helps sells season tickets in the years that FSU isn't coming to town. There's plenty to criticize Blake for, but not loading...