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  1. streetja

    Canes v Michigan State

    This will be the rallying cry for all the losers on this board all week.
  2. streetja

    Canes v Michigan State

    Great, now the game is in the hands of the defense. We're prolly not even going to see the ball again.
  3. streetja

    Canes v Michigan State

    One of the worst blitzes you'll ever see in your life. Christ Manny is terrible
  4. streetja

    Canes v Michigan State

    Nelson the first round pick putting together some excellent tape today.... for MSU players
  5. streetja

    Canes v Michigan State

    Dunno why you're listing our opponents strengths as if that's why their going to beat us, they're going to beat us because we're dogshyt.
  6. streetja

    Canes v Michigan State

    I think Manny should implement a one recruiting class every 4 years policy. Since no freshman ever has a chance of playing and no upper classmen ever has a chance of being benched, we should just take in one recruiting class every 4 years that will lock in our team for the 4 years. It's how we...
  7. streetja

    Canes v Michigan State

    Can't wait to watch Mallory start on every snap because at Miami the more you drop, blow coverages and can't tackle, the more untouchable you become.
  8. streetja

    Canes v Michigan State

    The only way to sum up this half is two horrendous programs doing horrendous program things. CFB would be better off if a sinkhole formed on the field.
  9. streetja

    Canes v Michigan State

    The former heir to dumbest team in history was last year's Miami team
  10. streetja

    Canes v Michigan State

    This is a ******* clinic in missed tackling. All time performance right here. We'll tell our grandkids about this one day
  11. streetja

    Canes v Michigan State

    What do you think the play is called when we blitz 2 twig LBs up the middle that inevitably get swallowed whole by the OL? Waste a down? Free first down?
  12. streetja

    Canes v Michigan State

    Miami just continues to defy all logic. Harley, Ivey, Wiggins all continue to start for years now with no repercussion for how bad they play. What?!? Why?!? HOW?!?!?!
  13. streetja

    Canes v Michigan State

    Our special teams continues to be a laughing stock for 5 years running now. Patke is a genius.