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  1. 423Hurricane

    Who’s gonna step up and fly the banner rightfully calling for the firing of the two nincompoops leading this program into **** in Flake and Manure?

    I’m extremely honored to have gotten 3 🖕reactions to my post about flying a banner being a stupid idea. Hopefully, there are more to come!
  2. 423Hurricane

    Who’s gonna step up and fly the banner rightfully calling for the firing of the two nincompoops leading this program into **** in Flake and Manure?

    I sincerely don’t want to debate the banner issue with you - or anyone else for that matter. I’ve made my feelings known about it and enough is enough. But I will ask what other impact/s do you think a banner would have on the perception as far as recruiting is concerned and the perception on...
  3. 423Hurricane

    Who’s gonna step up and fly the banner rightfully calling for the firing of the two nincompoops leading this program into **** in Flake and Manure?

    That stupid banner and $3.95 will get you a latte at Starbucks. If someone believes flying a banner will change a **** thing, they need to have their prescriptions changed.