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  1. Dwinstitles

    Slurper Rollcall

    Alwayshurt was one who was alwayshurt at the truth
  2. Dwinstitles

    Slurper Rollcall

    Ban those dudes, there was a post recently reply from go canes @ me......he even borderline admitted that he knew we would lose to bama, if he knew that he was trolling 15-0 because mopes disagreed with him. He did it out of spite and animosity.
  3. Dwinstitles

    Slurper Rollcall

    How can anyone root for the HC knowing 100% for sure he isnt going to do anything but bury us more. I just dont understand it, its like someone marrying your sister and u know he cheats and beats her. But your okay with it? I dont get these slurpers.
  4. Dwinstitles

    Slurper Rollcall

    Yea we need some alpha SEC type hires within the school to fix this. No more purple hair people
  5. Dwinstitles

    Slurper Rollcall

    definite trolling attempt, u dont even believe this. Are u Jax cane from scout who said randy wasn't getting fired?
  6. Dwinstitles

    Slurper Rollcall

    thank you, they act like I have to follow the flock and not allowed to be ****ed off.
  7. Dwinstitles

    Slurper Rollcall

  8. Dwinstitles

    Slurper Rollcall

    My fault I didn't take it like reads like that but I'm cool wasn't a big deal to me. We good
  9. Dwinstitles

    Slurper Rollcall

    I do not enjoy that **** it ****es me off to a reaction where I have to laugh to hold back my rage
  10. Dwinstitles

    Slurper Rollcall

    If u know they are bad call it. My problem is u get mad when others don't believe in the HC. U think we r trolling at times but it's our honest opinion. Until proven otherwise he's trash
  11. Dwinstitles

    Slurper Rollcall

    Alwayshurt Puertoricane and Go Canes biggest slurpers for any HC. Will u guys be changing your usernames when a new HC is hired? We will still be able to tell who u guys are by your posts. You guys ain't good at this super hero thing, Clark Kent has a better disguise than them.
  12. Dwinstitles

    Slurper Rollcall

    U forgot Puertoricane