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  1. Bender

    Slurper Rollcall

  2. Bender

    Slurper Rollcall

    Well, why should anyone go anywhere knowing he would get destroyed? If we would deal with opinions in a more respectful manner, this wouldnt be a discussion in the first place. Even if he was wrong, he doesnt have to man up and say it. If I wanted everyone to make posts about how wrong they...
  3. Bender

    Slurper Rollcall

    Well, this whole board needs more tolerance for other peoples opinions, regardless of topic or stance at hand. The 15-0 meme has been ridiculed from the day it started. I could ask the same people who write stuff like "Manure" or "Asslee" to apologize, but I dont because 1. I have stopped...
  4. Bender

    Slurper Rollcall

    People should not apologize for voicing an opinion. Apologize to who? Saying a team will be good or **** is no personal attack to anyone and does no harm to anyone.