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  1. J

    Coach Macho what happened in the Dillard/Deerfield game?

    Regardless of how I feel about the situation, I appreciate you not getting defensive and providing your insight.
  2. J

    Coach Macho what happened in the Dillard/Deerfield game?

    listen, I get it, I really do. My wife is a mental health counselor and has seen one of her own for the last 9 years and she was at our wedding. mental health is a real thing and has been ignored for far too long. but I’m of the mindset that there is a time and place for everything. I also...
  3. J

    Coach Macho what happened in the Dillard/Deerfield game?

    So buddy quit out on his team in the middle of a season filled with tragedy and sorrow.... I mean I guess you have to look out for yourself first, but **** he’s just going to leave those kids hanging like that? did any of those kids who were dealing with their tragedies quit on him or their...