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  1. B

    What is your expectations for the Alabama Game?

    You're right, and thanks for correcting me. I'll just read through all posts of the whiny, whimpy, losers expecting to be beat before the game is played. Thanks :cool:
  2. B

    What is your expectations for the Alabama Game?

    A fan with gumption! Expect to win, its the only way you can begin have a chance.
  3. B

    What is your expectations for the Alabama Game?

    Respectfully, I totally disagree. Any team can be beat at any time. No matter how great one seems to be they can have a bad day......with the help of a CAT 5 Hurricane! I will never concede to losing before anything is played. Just not in my DNA. However, if it gives you and others a warm and...
  4. B

    What is your expectations for the Alabama Game?

    Smart :applouse:
  5. B

    What is your expectations for the Alabama Game?

    Based on some our fans, the CANES or completely incapable of pulling off an upset. Why play the game?
  6. B

    What is your expectations for the Alabama Game?

    I sure hope like **** the players don't feel the way you do.
  7. B

    What is your expectations for the Alabama Game?

    You're making sense. That's not widely accepted here, but preach on Brother!