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  1. OrangeBowlMagic

    What is your expectations for the Alabama Game?

    Nah, I just hate when people talk in absolute facts like they know something without a shadow of a doubt, yet won't put their money where their mouth is. If you said stuff like "I think this might get ugly, we don't matchup well with X, and Y scares me, etc." I wouldn't have an issue with it...
  2. OrangeBowlMagic

    What is your expectations for the Alabama Game?

    You have the same schtick in every post. How much will you be betting on Bama? Gotta be at least a grand the way you run your mouth in literally every thread. When will you be posting your Bama -19 ticket for us to see?
  3. OrangeBowlMagic

    What is your expectations for the Alabama Game?

    My expectations: -- Very minimal self-inflicted mistakes. Meaning no jumping offsides on crucial 3rd downs, no roughing their kicker giving them a free first down after they miss a FG, no muffed punts, no heinous dropped passes. I'm not going to EXPECT an A+ performance, but I do think it's...