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  1. Rellyrell

    Former player arrested in Bryan Pata murder

    Sorry if my reaction came up negative; it was a slip; whole heartedly agree. I hope this dude never sees the day of light of freedom ever again. Strike this dude from our books too; this **** is no where worthy of being mentioned in our history.
  2. Rellyrell

    Former player arrested in Bryan Pata murder

    It mentioned part of the reason Jones & Ole girl didn’t work out was his jealousy. So she probably was a jump off, but for him to jump off, not her. So I’m going to assume, seeing her w/ his teammate made his jealousy exponentially higher. I stopped messing w/ one of my bad, bad homegirls...
  3. Rellyrell

    Former player arrested in Bryan Pata murder

    Mind boggling bro. It’s Miami, go North, South, East, or West & u’ll find any chick u want that’s fire. And U’re an athlete?? Yet, u kill ur teammate over a chick that’s moved on? Bruh….it’s some real weirdos out here. Hence, why I started to remove ppl from my circle. If u fighting over a chick...
  4. Rellyrell

    Former player arrested in Bryan Pata murder

    Cribby, the only time I fought for a girl I was w/, is if she was being disrespected or the dude was being disrespectful…but if I found out that skeeze was messing w/ another dude; I’m shaking that man’s hand, wishing him good luck & move on. Way too much **** **** to focus on one chick that...
  5. Rellyrell

    Former player arrested in Bryan Pata murder

    Facts, bro. Another factoid; majority of the gang wars in L.A started over a female, too
  6. Rellyrell

    Former player arrested in Bryan Pata murder

    Bro, this bull chit is always over a female! Like there’s so many chicks out here, yet ninjas are so quick to pop a dude over someone that’s CLEARLY not faithful. I don’t get how these dudes r so quick to take another man’s life over a female that belong to the streets.
  7. Rellyrell

    Former player arrested in Bryan Pata murder

    Those who r the closest, r unfortunately, those u need to keep ur eye on the closest. My heart is absolutely broken hearing this. First it brings up all those fresh memories of a young kid, who turned his life around, moments away from providing his family a life that many strive for, and he’s...