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  1. LuCane

    Former player arrested in Bryan Pata murder

    I specifically remember you mentioned its potential benefits. Credit to you. As said above, glad the article ultimately had a positive purpose. Hated that it kinda undercut Pata's perception some, but obviously worth it. Kinda wild that ESPf'inN was the impetus for law enforcement to...
  2. LuCane

    Former player arrested in Bryan Pata murder

    I remember reading the whole article, yeah. And, I felt like it barely covered all the good aspects of Bryan. Other articles had done a way better job of talking about how his teammates loved him, how he was beloved in the community, etc. At the time, this particular article seemed like a cheap...
  3. LuCane

    Former player arrested in Bryan Pata murder

    I despised that media article about the Pata story when it came out. It seemed like a cheap shot and hurtful to the Pata family. If it somehow put pressure on the cops (or whoever needed make a move) to finally do what they should have already done, then I'll raise my hand and apologize. It's...