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  1. J

    Former player arrested in Bryan Pata murder

    Would not be surprised in the least bit if that chick got caught up in something else and offered him up as a plea
  2. J

    Former player arrested in Bryan Pata murder

    They got into a fight over the chick. He probably killed him because he curb stomped him in front of the team
  3. J

    Former player arrested in Bryan Pata murder

    I remember FSUWHO and some of us chipping in to pay for that help with the funeral.
  4. J

    Former player arrested in Bryan Pata murder

    The ESPN article made a lot of the evidence against Jones public. I'm sure there was a lot more pressure after that came out
  5. J

    Former player arrested in Bryan Pata murder

    ESPN is going to make this their front page story until signing day
  6. J

    Former player arrested in Bryan Pata murder

    No link. Was it Jones?