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  1. Angry Ibis

    SIAP (Scrimmage Tonight?)

    Agreed. No ******* way I’m wasting my time on Barry.
  2. Angry Ibis

    SIAP (Scrimmage Tonight?)

    Start a second scrimmage thread. See who takes the bait….
  3. Angry Ibis

    SIAP (Scrimmage Tonight?)

    I have been deciding on what hill to die on before I looked for the numbers….
  4. Angry Ibis

    SIAP (Scrimmage Tonight?)

    16 pages to say a philosophy is a philosophy and Macho doesn’t agree with Manny’s philosophy. End of story
  5. Angry Ibis

    SIAP (Scrimmage Tonight?)

    Injured carrying the weight of SouthParkCane’s expectations
  6. Angry Ibis

    SIAP (Scrimmage Tonight?)

    This is great. We are in full game thread mode. People spouting off without actually knowing what they are seeing or in this case not even seeing or hearing about… Love this ******* place.