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  1. Hurracanes

    (SIAP) TROB getting in dem boyz grits

    I hope you’re right but I’m sure he’s going to want full control, eventually.
  2. Hurracanes

    (SIAP) TROB getting in dem boyz grits

    Is a Co DC going to be enough for him? I’m not so sure.
  3. Hurracanes

    (SIAP) TROB getting in dem boyz grits

    Not sure if DVD has his personality like that. He seems different. But point taken.
  4. Hurracanes

    (SIAP) TROB getting in dem boyz grits

    Take it for what it is worth, but my close friend, who was at practice yesterday, shared with me T Rob wants a DC position. Not exactly surprising to hear but Manny has a lot of tough decisions to make, soon. You know more schools are going to be coming.