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  1. k9cane

    PractiSe Tuesday 8/10

    I was at that game in Dallas/Arlington, it dawned on me right then and there, 2017 was a mirage, the Rosier magic had run out, and the game had passed Richt by
  2. k9cane

    PractiSe Tuesday 8/10

    Getting early and consistent 1st downs will be another key, have to keep our defense fresh. Also, if you look at when Bama struggles on defense, its' when they rack up a big number of plays(just like any other unit) Cant just have a bunch of 3-and-outs to start the game and let BAma build early...
  3. k9cane

    PractiSe Tuesday 8/10

    to win the opener, IMO, we need to be at least plus-2 in the takeaway dept hit at least 3 explosive plays that go for TD's And force at least five punts (possessions and stops are everything nowadays)
  4. k9cane

    PractiSe Tuesday 8/10

    well, that game our QB was.... not King. Lets just leave it at that
  5. k9cane

    PractiSe Tuesday 8/10

    well.... when you put it like THAT.... yeah
  6. k9cane

    PractiSe Tuesday 8/10

    If there was ever a time to play Bama early, it's this season. And I like this UM team...