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  1. N

    Canes to B1G?

    My point was that one of the member schools from the Big 10 that had clout (like Michigan or Northwestern who are both founding members) would initiate the membership process.
  2. N

    Canes to B1G?

    My understanding is that AAU membership is by invitation only. If ND wanted in, they’d get the invitation. If they were seriously considering us, we would too. And both of us would likely qualify.
  3. N

    Canes to B1G?

    You assume ESPN is calling the shots. They need the SEC more than the SEC needs them. In broadcasting the money goes to those with the content rights. If the SEC walks on ESPN, they’re reduced to filling the time slots with Australian football, Northwest Texas State vs Sam Houston Institute...
  4. N

    Canes to B1G?

    I believe it’s 4 but they’ve got them.
  5. N

    Canes to B1G?

    The only reason they do is to avoid public shaming. When Spurrier became head coach, even he said UF should play Miami every year. It’s not ESPN that’s making them schedule it.
  6. N

    Canes to B1G?

    But UF is not alone. It takes only 5 schools to block a vote. With Texas and OU, it’s only A & M blocking it. UF has UGA, UK, UT and USCe voting as group to prevent expansion from those they deem as competitors.
  7. N

    Canes to B1G?

    It’s not about solely about fan comfort, it’s about playing conditions. 40 degrees on the field is almost perfect conditions, it’s not the ice bowl. Many UM players adjusted easily when drafted by pro teams playing in the North. The real issue would be logistics, not just for football, but for...
  8. N

    Canes to B1G?

    They’d see us as easier pickings. We don’t have the Fla legislature covering for us as when they wanted to drop FSU from their schedule.
  9. N

    Canes to B1G?

    The reason we must go is to not be an orphan after realignment, not to be remake ourselves as some other school. The reason we don’t go SEC is UF. They’d love nothing more than to be our death knell.
  10. N

    Canes to B1G?

    How many times has this been rehashed. UF would love nothing more than to see us left standing when the music stops. They’d fall on their sword before they let us in.
  11. N

    Canes to B1G?

    After UVA went out on a limb to get VT into the ACC, there’s no way the VA legislature let’s VT abandon UVA. They’re bound at the hip.