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  1. T

    2023 Malik Bryant 23 olb

    Don't know...we seem to be doing ok #1 OT committed #1 DE committed #1 TE committed One of the top QB committed Two of the top WR's committed One of the top LB 'scommitted One of the top DB's committed
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    2023 Malik Bryant 23 olb

    Just my opinion but I don't think it's the SEC manipulating the's the reporters sending a message to the SEC that you better turn up the heat on this kid. They are like an SEC warning system.
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    2023 Malik Bryant 23 olb

    So we haven't landed anyone? Thats what you seem to be insinuating when you say the first wave didn't make it to land. I see what we have currently committed and I don't see that at all.
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    2023 Malik Bryant 23 olb

    Fvckers are cutting out coupons!!! LB??? No we don't have a coupon for that Billy lol
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    2023 Malik Bryant 23 olb

    I so love that the programs that spent DECADES making fun of us for " being broke" are now complaining and crying that we have too much money lol
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    2023 Malik Bryant 23 olb

    You know how much that had to hurt lol
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    2023 Malik Bryant 23 olb

    Not sure the idiot that wrote that knows what Mario has been doing on the trail against bama....weird since he works for a "recruiting" service lol