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  1. Page305

    2023 Malik Bryant 23 olb

    You know....I really want to believe that but... 4 days away feels like forever. Especially since we're fighting against the Heavyweights now.
  2. Page305

    2023 Malik Bryant 23 olb

    Here you go, not respecting the fact I have to work all day and I'm trying to stay away from checking this site every ******* 5mins smh. **** you.
  3. Page305

    2023 Malik Bryant 23 olb

    Tweet deleted now. What did it say?
  4. Page305

    2023 Malik Bryant 23 olb

    I see, I see. In his case tho... I think it's an actual workout. I'm sure measurements were taken on his first visit. Just my thoughts.
  5. Page305

    2023 Malik Bryant 23 olb

    I get it... But I highly doubt every recruit they're high on has to do a workout... Idk. I could be 100% wrong.
  6. Page305

    2023 Malik Bryant 23 olb

    Someone correct me if I'm wrong but.... Doesn't that mean he's currently not a take for Bama if he has to "workout" on a visit for them?