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  1. South AfriCane

    Avantae Williams in Jail (now dismissed from team)

    Wow, okay good to know. I have 2 graduate degrees from UM. I value the degrees immensely but also hate the program and certain faculty who made my life miserable for many years. In light of this info, I think I’ll rethink my plans for revenge😆
  2. South AfriCane

    Avantae Williams in Jail (now dismissed from team)

    I know this is totally besides the point of this thread but is this really true? Seems crazy to me. If rescinded, would you have no recourse?
  3. South AfriCane

    Avantae Williams in Jail (now dismissed from team)

    If he already had a checkered history and his poor judgment was so glaringly obvious then perhaps we shouldn’t have taken a chance on the guy.