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  1. theibisrules

    Bat Signal

    My sources say Aldarius...but im not here to argue.
  2. theibisrules

    Bat Signal

    There was issues with the family raising **** with the position coach because he was in the doghouse a bit....then after that crews last game and the season was over, the university held an event for the departing seniors, his family allegedly took some folding chairs and some other stuff from...
  3. theibisrules

    Bat Signal

    There was issues with the family raising **** with the position coach because he was in the doghouse a bit....then after that crews last game and the season was over, the university held an event for the departing seniors, his family allegedly took some folding chairs and some other stuff from...
  4. theibisrules

    Bat Signal

    If we can deal with aldarius johnsons family...we can survive this
  5. theibisrules

    Bat Signal

    Make'em booty gif's my friend