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  1. Zbrod95

    Off-Topic Cuba

    Why are we giving a communist/socialist any type of respect? Communism and Socialism are responsible of hundreds of millions of people on this very earth. They don’t deserve an opinion.
  2. Zbrod95

    Off-Topic Cuba

    Don’t bother. He knows nothing. He talks about that kid being used for political reasons even thought the Communist government of Cuba is grooming him to be president one day. He literally is ****ting what he’s eating.
  3. Zbrod95

    Off-Topic Cuba

    Usetedes los Cubanos isn’t grammatically correct. Then again your culture can’t even say “dog” correctly. Go back to your high school Spanish teacher and tell her you need to do Spanish 1 all over again communisto rependido.
  4. Zbrod95

    Off-Topic Cuba

    Pretty ******.
  5. Zbrod95

    Off-Topic Cuba

    It’s not. The United States spent 20 million each year since 2009 in assistance programs to Cuba. The Us exported 176 million worth of food last year alone and Cuba imported 123 million worth in Chicken in the last 6 months. The embargo also doesn’t stop humanitarian goods like medication and...
  6. Zbrod95

    Off-Topic Cuba

    Lmfao I have family that actually live in Cuba and some singao from a culture that can’t even speak Spanish correctly has the ball to tell me that I’m naive and gullible lmao. How about this, We’ll trade you for one of my cousins or somebody else’s family members on the board.
  7. Zbrod95

    Off-Topic Cuba

    @RVACane I would like to report this post for homophobia, racism, and anti Semitism. The men featured in this photos were known to thrown *** men and women off building, shot and killed men and woman of the catholic and ****** faith, and imprisoned thousand of cubans that still haven’t been...
  8. Zbrod95

    Off-Topic Cuba

    De que? Cubans are the most oppressed people in the world and have been since Fide first took power and you stating that means 1 of 2 things. 1) You’re a communist 2) you’re dumb as **** They’re literally forcing their way into homes right now and dragging out young boys as young as 12 to be...
  9. Zbrod95

    Off-Topic Cuba

    Those sanctions don’t affect the Cuban people one bit. It doesn’t prevent them from fishing, confiscate a farmer’s harvest, or prohibit the conduction of ordinary business. It didn’t destroy the sugar cane and tobacco mills or the shoe and canning factories. Communism and Socialism did. All the...
  10. Zbrod95

    Off-Topic Cuba

    @SpikeUM Thank you my brother!
  11. Zbrod95

    Off-Topic Cuba

    Hey, why isn’t this at the top of this page? I know there’s a **** ton of Cubans on this board and this a platform where we can tell people what the **** is going on unlike the Telemundo rependidos sittimg in their west Pembroke Pines and Miramar country clubs chilling. #PatriayVida #CanalSingao
  12. Zbrod95

    Off-Topic Cuba

    The Pueblo of Camaguey reportedly overthrew the communists and took over the local federal buildings! #PatriayVida #CanalSingao #Onlygoodcommieisadeadcommie