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  1. S

    Off-Topic Cuba

    What does Trump have to do with this discussion? And btw, thanks for all of the compliments and advice, I will be sure to pay more attention to CNN, the Colbert report and and Al Jazeera to better informed in the future.
  2. S

    Off-Topic Cuba

    I have no idea what he wrote, and frankly dont care, but to your point, Cuba has economic relations with most countries of the world, including Canada, the EU, and all of the bad guys.
  3. S

    Off-Topic Cuba

    dude, its the Babylon Bee. Having written that, the reason they picked Bernie is because its plausible that he would actually say that.
  4. S

    Off-Topic Cuba

    RVA, thank you. I also understand your concern about off topics, the trolls and idiots are way worse than even the regular boards, and that is saying something.
  5. S

    Off-Topic Cuba

    As I mentioned in my post, you are confusing Cubans in Miami with those on the island, who may or may not have the same feelings. And on a more macro basis, we are talking about basic human rights, on an island 90 miles from our shores.
  6. S

    Off-Topic Cuba

    I humbly suggest that he has bought the pravda/granma line hook, line and sinker, and there is no point in trying to reason with him, just put on ignore, like I did.
  7. S

    Off-Topic Cuba

    Whole different argument/discussion, and I am sorry, but I strongly disagree with you. You are correct, Cubans generally do back the blue, and I strongly do as well. I much prefer to live in a strongly pro law and order community than say Portland, with their nightly riots, or Chicago, where...
  8. S

    Off-Topic Cuba

  9. S

    Off-Topic Cuba

  10. S

    Off-Topic Cuba

    What book? I am pretty sure you are trolling get a reaction, but if I am wrong, what book?
  11. S

    Off-Topic Cuba

    Almost all governments by definition are bureaucratic and inefficient, and we could be discussing multiple issues, like paying people not to work and then bemoaning the high unemployment rate. But having a wide open southern border, which is costing us billions and billions, and allowing who...
  12. S

    Off-Topic Cuba

  13. S

    Off-Topic Cuba

    look up the tropicana all stars medley of Benny...its really good
  14. S

    Off-Topic Cuba

  15. S

    Off-Topic Cuba

    You mean the sanctions that have been imposed since 1960? No personal disrespect intended, but you are opining on a topic that you appear to have little knowledge of. Remember that famous line that starts "Better to be silent"
  16. S

    Off-Topic Cuba

    To: <> Ladies and Gentlemen of the Congressional Black Caucus: I respectfully and humbly write to ask that you wield your strong influence within our great country to spur intervention in the matter of the unfathomable repression and...
  17. S

    Off-Topic Cuba

    With Biden having to cater to Bernie, AOC and all of the other socialists, I dont think the outcome will be good.