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  1. SayWhat

    Van Dyke, Garcia give impressions on spring QB battle thus far

    It's auto correct for me.
  2. SayWhat

    Van Dyke, Garcia give impressions on spring QB battle thus far

    The spin on that kid was unreal. Pedestrian stats and every excuse in the book by some to try and convince themselves he was a catch. A lot of posters do that here year in and year out. I still remember breaking down his first 10 plays of his highlight reel and how 7 of them were bad to flat...
  3. SayWhat

    Van Dyke, Garcia give impressions on spring QB battle thus far

    I'm not crowning anyone. I just like Garcia's game better and it is my belief he'll surpass TVD at some point in their respective careers. I also don't have a favorite. I don't know either of them personally and I hope they both succeed in everything do. We should hope that neither has to log...
  4. SayWhat

    Van Dyke, Garcia give impressions on spring QB battle thus far

    Be careful crowning guys at QB this early. Having said that, my money is on Garcia surpassing DVD at some point down the line.