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  1. TheMatador

    Da Hoyas!

    Did you go to AU?
  2. TheMatador

    Da Hoyas!

    Good question. I’ll have to really think about it and try to remember more specifics. I’ll try to see if there are any articles on the internet to refresh my memory. I think it might have gone back to some friction when John Thompson was head coach at St. Anthony’s, a Catholic HS in DC. Notice...
  3. TheMatador

    Da Hoyas!

    I remember the football team in ‘78. Went to one of the games. They played Washington & Lee. Scotty Glacken, a stockbroker in his regular job, was coach. Yes, it was Div. III as I recall. True student athletics, the way it was originally intended to be. I think when NCAA changed classifications...
  4. TheMatador

    Da Hoyas!

    Back in January ‘88 UM and Georgetown basketball played in Miami the night after UM beat Oklahoma for the football NC. I was a Georgetown alum, not a Miami alum, but a huge UM fan since the late ‘50’s. I was wearing my old Miami starter jacket. The Georgetown alumni club for south Florida was...
  5. TheMatador

    Da Hoyas!

    Actually, those early ‘80’s years with John T Sr. and the old Big East were fun. Thompson had rivalries with all those Big East coaches...a number of whom were Italian: Massimino, Carnasseca, the guy at Seton Hall....trying to remember the others. I was older than typical college student since...
  6. TheMatador

    Da Hoyas!

    Actually, one of the pioneer all Black teams was FSU’s 1972 team that lost to UCLA in the NCAA championship game. It was a close game. FSU started 5 Black players and there was an undercurrent that maybe the team would be undisciplined. But it was a very disciplined team. It was coached by Hugh...
  7. TheMatador

    Da Hoyas!

    I’m a true Hoya. I have a Georgetown degree. Used to be a big fan during the original John Thompson era, but over the years lost interest. I don’t know why. I used to go to the old gym on campus in the early ‘80’s and watch the summer Kenner League. The Georgetown guys, Michael Jackson, David...