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  1. Unsider

    ACC refs calling this Super Bowl

    Any team Brady's on, that team learns the tricks of baiting opponents into stupid penalties. I love how Brady always projecting the feel good story of a clean cut, near angel, do-no-wrong player. all the while he's the smug-faced brat who spits in your soup bowl behind the counter and acts...
  2. Unsider

    ACC refs calling this Super Bowl

    Did you read my post fully? I said “I didn’t watch the game.” But I’m with you, on the whole.
  3. Unsider

    ACC refs calling this Super Bowl

    Didn't watch the game, but saw hi lights on the news. That was ****-poor officiating. But what can one expect when the game is staged.
  4. Unsider

    ACC refs calling this Super Bowl

    You lose more if you play Goodell's 40+ year old baby cheeks...
  5. Unsider

    ACC refs calling this Super Bowl

    Why anyone is debating back and forth about a prescripted entertainment show, is beyond me. NFL, Vegas, Networks, they all need to make their money. That’s their focus, and the money happens to be in your pockets, which you will willingly give to them. Who’s the chump in this equation?
  6. Unsider

    ACC refs calling this Super Bowl

    I stopped putting too much stock into NFL games after watching how Brady gets carried on the officiating shoulders way back when. Let me know when he gets called for retaliation against another player, when other players get flagged for even sniffing him.
  7. Unsider

    ACC refs calling this Super Bowl

    What an assclown, NFL’s biggest hoe.
  8. Unsider

    ACC refs calling this Super Bowl

    NFL rigged, lol...I don’t waste time watching that **** show...all fixed. They promote what sells.