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  1. LeedsCane

    EA Sports bringing back NCAA Football game

    It’s more multiple than that sadly. I am by no means disagreeing with you because trust me, I was one of their gameschangers and they lost me with how they lied about Battlefront 2 (the lootbox system was a last minute add to appease shareholders of both Disney and EA who were worried about the...
  2. LeedsCane

    EA Sports bringing back NCAA Football game

    EA isn’t the worst anymore, they aren’t good by any stretch of the imagination but I promise you, they aren’t even top 5 now.
  3. LeedsCane

    EA Sports bringing back NCAA Football game

    Filoni has always been the rightful heir to Lucas, he respects and idolises the EU (more than George ever did, Filoni wanted KOTOR to be canonised in The Clone Wars TV series, hence Bane being rushed in at the end), he and Favreau are what Spielberg and Lucas wish they could have been and I am...
  4. LeedsCane

    EA Sports bringing back NCAA Football game

    The order they released is absolutely the best way, starting someone new to Star Wars with Jar-Jar is just cruel and unusual punishment (and I loved Jar-Jar as a child lmao) and then if they like all the movies, totally do the animated series! The good thing is it’s all finally all under one...
  5. LeedsCane

    EA Sports bringing back NCAA Football game

    That’s so awesome!! I love that you have a Discord 🥰 How is he going to show it? Just the movies, the trilogies in chronological order, the movies and animated series (which is how I would do it) or the movies as they released?
  6. LeedsCane

    EA Sports bringing back NCAA Football game

    I am getting review code so I’ll rip it apart if it’s bad and I’ll praise it if it’s good. Simple as that really. I actually really enjoyed Andromeda’s story. I am excited as **** for the new ME, I think it could be very special if the whole seamless character swap between Liara and Ryder is...
  7. LeedsCane

    EA Sports bringing back NCAA Football game

    He tells no lies. Huge inspiration in my childhood, as big if not slightly bigger than Mara Jade for me.
  8. LeedsCane

    EA Sports bringing back NCAA Football game

    I am with him on everything, especially the disdain for the new trilogy. Mandalorian is what I wanted from new Star Wars stories, not 7, 8 and 9... Really excited from what I know of Rangers, Acolyte and Ahsoka. (Acolyte in particular given its heavily inspired by The Old Republic era and I...
  9. LeedsCane

    EA Sports bringing back NCAA Football game

    Remakes were never the plan. The entire reason for the remaster is to allow for everyone to have their save files in order for the new Mass Effect (which involves both the stories of Shepherd and Ryder from the main ME series and ME: Andromeda.) so they can have all their choices matter across...
  10. LeedsCane

    EA Sports bringing back NCAA Football game

    No. That was, amusingly, Chris and Obsidian’s KOTOR 3 xD What’s old is new again. Motto of 2021.
  11. LeedsCane

    EA Sports bringing back NCAA Football game

    I have played through both of them... Let’s see... 14 times? I play through them once a year in April-May xD (I may have a slight problem but it’s a problem I gladly shoulder) Yeah, Microsoft getting a chance at KOTOR would be amazing because it would be Obsidian (crash course, Obsidian was...
  12. LeedsCane

    EA Sports bringing back NCAA Football game

    Microsoft is positioning to buy a few high-profile studios to try and entice LucasFilm to give them a slice of the new Star Wars pie. Right now the big prize is who gets KOTOR 3, it’s between Asypr (EA) and Obsidian (Microsoft) at the moment with Aspyr in the lead because of their ports and...
  13. LeedsCane

    EA Sports bringing back NCAA Football game

    I guess I am not fully understanding what an arcade game vs sim is in this case? I get it with most titles but how is a football game arcade or sim?
  14. LeedsCane

    EA Sports bringing back NCAA Football game

    Console wars confuse the ever living **** out of me too, the disparity in criticism both from the ‘professionals’ and the fans is striking and honestly I think can mainly be tied to the quality of most exclusives, with Sony’s being almost universally exceptional and Microsoft’s being passible to...
  15. LeedsCane

    EA Sports bringing back NCAA Football game

    I agree with everything you said here 🥰 I am as big of a Star Wars nerd as you will find and I learned about the end of the the exclusivity a few months back, I have friends in the industry and I was elated. This should be a just another example of the tides turning against exclusivity in video...
  16. LeedsCane

    EA Sports bringing back NCAA Football game

    I would assume it will also be available on PC, should you have one or want to build one.
  17. LeedsCane

    EA Sports bringing back NCAA Football game

    I was actually the weird one who really enjoyed the ESPN games more than Madden. Became kinda obsessed with the NFL when I saw the Berlin Thunder play the Claymores in Glasgow. Played both Madden 04/05 and ESPN (Football and 2K5) in the immediate aftermath and ESPN’s blew me away. I loved the...