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  1. OrangeBowlMagic

    Manny will call Plays in 2021, Jess Back as DL Coach

    You realize that if DVD is "good at recruiting", as you say, this move expands his ability to do that SIGNIFICANTLY?? Yes?
  2. OrangeBowlMagic

    Manny will call Plays in 2021, Jess Back as DL Coach

    Yawn. They ran for 97 yards in 2019, with the same Mack Brown knowing Manny had the same stripes. And, no disrespect, but you don't know how football operations work. You think Manny was yelling louder into the headset of his play calls over Baker's? Baker called the plays. Period.
  3. OrangeBowlMagic

    Manny will call Plays in 2021, Jess Back as DL Coach

    You're right, of course, but he did concede that the way his defense is ran has major flaws. But he's put his eggs into the basket of that flaw being Blake Baker calling it, not the defense. Will it look like 2020? Or will it look like 2018? I know they better find some backers and edge...
  4. OrangeBowlMagic

    Manny will call Plays in 2021, Jess Back as DL Coach

    Manny absolutely did not call the defense last year. He is MUCH more involved with the defense as opposed to the offense, 100%. But on gameday, it's Baker's show. Well, was Baker's show. So you can be ****ed about the decision, but what you watched last season was not Manny Diaz calling...
  5. OrangeBowlMagic

    Manny will call Plays in 2021, Jess Back as DL Coach

    I'll take a cut at it, although you can read my post a few back for my true feelings: The defense will look more like the unit we saw in 2016 - 2018, which was one of the better defenses in the country. Having DVD and T-Rob on the staff as on-field coaches with the ability to recruit...
  6. OrangeBowlMagic

    Manny will call Plays in 2021, Jess Back as DL Coach

    I try to give Manny the benefit of the doubt. I really do. I do my absolute best to be real and rational when it comes to this program. But this is a fail. Plain and simple. A complete fail. T-Rob was a GREAT hire. That was an A+ move. But, as I'm sure everyone will say (and rightfully...