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  1. Handsome Squidbum

    Manny will call Plays in 2021, Jess Back as DL Coach

    Did you miss the part where Baker got stripped of playcalling duties? Hes not the primary DC anymore. And we added the one of the best DB coaches and a top tier DL coaches. DC, DL, CB, and DB coaches will all be new personnel. So you are mad that Diaz has an overpaid LB coach now. OK. Id...
  2. Handsome Squidbum

    Manny will call Plays in 2021, Jess Back as DL Coach

    I think people are confusing disappointment with the lack of a splash hire with thinking this move (or lack of it) is the key to winning or losing more games. In 2019, the defense was #23 in points allowed. Yup, top 25. We went 6-7. In 2020, the D was #51, but we finished 8-3. Why...
  3. Handsome Squidbum

    Manny will call Plays in 2021, Jess Back as DL Coach

    Nepotism?! Did Diaz also hire relatives?
  4. Handsome Squidbum

    Manny will call Plays in 2021, Jess Back as DL Coach

    I think in the NFL only Riverboat Ron Rivera is a HC that calls defensive plays. Maybe there is one more I'm forgetting
  5. Handsome Squidbum

    Manny will call Plays in 2021, Jess Back as DL Coach

    Yeah Diaz just publicly humiliated his DC. Baker should be embarrassed for sticking around. It's a double humiliation because if he is on the staff at the start of the 2021 season, it not only means he was so bad at DC he got stripped of playcalling but also that no other team wanted him...
  6. Handsome Squidbum

    Manny will call Plays in 2021, Jess Back as DL Coach

    Let's say Diaz had gone to Temple as HC but it wasn't going well. Richt had hired Baker, but was in the market was a DC, and he had to choose to between Strong, Muschamp, Steele, and Diaz. I don't think we'd be upset at Diaz returning as DC because I think he'd be the best of those names; most...
  7. Handsome Squidbum

    Manny will call Plays in 2021, Jess Back as DL Coach

    Well he did get stripped of playcalling duties. So that's something, at least.
  8. Handsome Squidbum

    Manny will call Plays in 2021, Jess Back as DL Coach

    I'm constantly being let down by Diaz's decisions, but it sounds like folks think that the Rumph move was just to give him a chance to save face and apply for jobs elsewhere. Couldn't the same be said for Baker? Diaz isn't doing what we hoped and taking them out behind the barn to put them out...
  9. Handsome Squidbum

    Manny will call Plays in 2021, Jess Back as DL Coach

    Not to be a conspiracy theorist, but is it possible that this announcement could have the effect of pushing Blake Baker out the door? I can't imagine that it looks good for his resume to get stripped of playcalling duties and effectively demoted. Any coach with balls would understand that and...
  10. Handsome Squidbum

    Manny will call Plays in 2021, Jess Back as DL Coach

    Rex Ryan could be on South Beach taking pictures of feet right now if Blake James had bothered to pick up the phone.
  11. Handsome Squidbum

    Manny will call Plays in 2021, Jess Back as DL Coach

    Blake Baker not calling plays is a win though. Kinda feel like a man dying of thirst in the desert and finding water that doesn't taste very good. Obviously things could be better but at least there is some relief.
  12. Handsome Squidbum

    Manny will call Plays in 2021, Jess Back as DL Coach

    You are correct in one sense. Football is about offense. Realistically, I think Diaz could do as good a job at DC as Muschamp, Steele, or Skrong. The issue is that I think he's already overwhelmed as a HC, so where's he suddenly going to find the time to gameplan as a DC. Even if he brought...
  13. Handsome Squidbum

    Manny will call Plays in 2021, Jess Back as DL Coach

    The fiscal mismanagement is mind boggling. I just showed the 7.5 million that Miami flushed down the toilet. Blake James also gave Richt a totally unnecessary contract extension, when he wasn't going anywhere. He was unbelievably lucky that Richt walked away (I believe he still got paid a...
  14. Handsome Squidbum

    Manny will call Plays in 2021, Jess Back as DL Coach

    I assume that Texas pays more than 1 mil for its DC. So right now Miami is paying Patke 400k to do nothing (team can't still field punts) and Baker 500k to be DC but he's not calling plays. Now I'm not good at math, but I think that adds up to almost one million in people getting paid to sit...
  15. Handsome Squidbum

    Manny will call Plays in 2021, Jess Back as DL Coach

    So the DB coach will be making more than the DC who isn't calling plays anymore. Only at Miami. I'm guessing this isn't what the BOT had in mind during their meetings.
  16. Handsome Squidbum

    Manny will call Plays in 2021, Jess Back as DL Coach

    It looks like people were right that Blake Baker wouldn't be calling plays next year, but this isn't how I expected it to go. Diaz is a thousand times better DC than Baker, but that doesn't fix the scheme. But I tip my hat to Diaz, he's gone all in with his chips even those he's holding a 2 of...
  17. Handsome Squidbum

    Manny will call Plays in 2021, Jess Back as DL Coach

    On the bright side, we don't have to put up with this for more than another year. It will also likely mean Blake James is out as I don't think he'll get a third chance of f#cking up the HC hire.