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  1. PIPO

    T-Rob Hired!!

    Well, Bama is practicing at Greentree
  2. PIPO

    T-Rob Hired!!

    I have already given my view point of this GIF. Let’s just say - HOF!
  3. PIPO

    T-Rob Hired!!

    Sorry bro - I am behind. My wife had me cleaning the garage, lol.
  4. PIPO

    T-Rob Hired!!

  5. PIPO

    T-Rob Hired!!

    How do you like ‘em, L? Or OR
  6. PIPO

    T-Rob Hired!!

    Every time I see this gif:
  7. PIPO

    T-Rob Hired!!

    Wow!!! A Manny compliment, Dwin?? 😂😂 like many here say, Manny’s dream job. He loves the school. He will do what he can until it’s over to make it happen and if not, gotta respect how he gives a s**t.
  8. PIPO

    T-Rob Hired!!

    Love the new avatar 😂😂
  9. PIPO

    T-Rob Hired!!

    Prost!!!! For the good info you and others have brought
  10. PIPO

    T-Rob Hired!!
