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  1. Go Canes!!

    T-Rob Hired!!

    I didn’t take long at all. You didn’t ask me for it before then. And like I said there’s no conversing with you. Go back to doing whatever it is you do here.
  2. Go Canes!!

    T-Rob Hired!!

    Virginia tech Averaged 35 points a game this year. We held them to 24.
  3. Go Canes!!

    T-Rob Hired!!

    lmao. There’s no conversing with you ever. You said name the team then when proven wrong you knock the competition. Whatever dude.
  4. Go Canes!!

    T-Rob Hired!!

    With very few exceptions his defenses have held opponents below their season’s scoring average. This season, his worst year ever, it was likely true for a majority of our opponents as well. Not many other coordinators can say that.
  5. Go Canes!!

    T-Rob Hired!!

    Give us three good offenses anyone stopped, then define stopped.
  6. Go Canes!!

    T-Rob Hired!!

    The thing is, he wasn’t going down to begin with.