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  1. D

    OT: Rose Bowl / Sugar Bowl

    What about the part where FitzMagic has to come in and save the day?
  2. D

    OT: Rose Bowl / Sugar Bowl

    Ohio State’s* players looked a lot more fresh than Clemson’s tonight.
  3. D

    OT: Rose Bowl / Sugar Bowl

    Yeah, but Clemson never covered anyone from the jump tonight.
  4. D

    OT: Rose Bowl / Sugar Bowl

    In today’s game would Vinny still have gone #1 overall after that performance he had against PSU in his final college appearance?
  5. D

    OT: Rose Bowl / Sugar Bowl Two weeks ago Fields couldn’t do squat against Northwestern. Clemson decided to not have a safety over the top tonight.
  6. D

    OT: Rose Bowl / Sugar Bowl

    I’m a Fins fan and I never wanted him. Not even BEFORE his hip got blown up.
  7. D

    OT: Rose Bowl / Sugar Bowl

    Clemson D is taking a page out of the Miami vs UVA last game in the OB playbook. TE is open every play.
  8. D

    OT: Rose Bowl / Sugar Bowl

    Wishful thinking?
  9. D

    OT: Rose Bowl / Sugar Bowl

    Started out as helmet-to-helmet, which makes sense. But now it’s helmet-to-any body part.
  10. D

    OT: Rose Bowl / Sugar Bowl

    Also, it’s sort of pointless to run deep crossers when your WRs will just drop the ball anyway.
  11. D

    OT: Rose Bowl / Sugar Bowl

    Next time he gets hit we’ll know for sure. Looked like it hurt him just to throw that TD pass.
  12. D

    OT: Rose Bowl / Sugar Bowl

    Hard to run deep crossers with Miami’s O Line vs Clemson’s front.
  13. D

    OT: Rose Bowl / Sugar Bowl

    Is it as bad as Meyer letting Cam slip away because he stole laptops?
  14. D

    OT: Rose Bowl / Sugar Bowl Clemson’s D gonna cover anybody tonight, or no?
  15. D

    OT: Rose Bowl / Sugar Bowl

    As long as the refs don’t allow Ohio State* to get away with holding all game.
  16. D

    OT: Rose Bowl / Sugar Bowl
