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  1. AlphaMarshan

    OT: Rose Bowl / Sugar Bowl

    That was perfect, holy ****. **** of a throw.
  2. AlphaMarshan

    OT: Rose Bowl / Sugar Bowl

    He wasn't down?? Edit: Elbow was down for sure.
  3. AlphaMarshan

    OT: Rose Bowl / Sugar Bowl

    Think you gotta keep the pressure on Fields. He's definitely hurt and doesn't wanna get hit again.
  4. AlphaMarshan

    OT: Rose Bowl / Sugar Bowl

    100%. The way it "flips" too.
  5. AlphaMarshan

    OT: Rose Bowl / Sugar Bowl

    I don't disagree and I'm not ripping on him I just truly don't understand the logistics of graduating in 2.5 years when you play football full-time. I mean that's an average of 20 hours a semester. Guys who play sports during college barely have time to do anything. My buddy played WR at Duke...
  6. AlphaMarshan

    OT: Rose Bowl / Sugar Bowl

    I was more interested that he got his degree in "2.5 years" with a 4.0 GPA. Like, are we really gonna pretend this star football player loaded up 30 hours / semester and didn't have all the help in the world? He probably had tutors writing papers for him.
  7. AlphaMarshan

    OT: Rose Bowl / Sugar Bowl

    Really? Gurvan Hall and Te'Cory Couch told me you have to talk **** any time you do anything even remotely in line with what you're assigned to do. Also it doesn't matter if you're down 3 TDs.
  8. AlphaMarshan

    OT: Rose Bowl / Sugar Bowl

    An entire first half with no penalties. lol, what's that like?
  9. AlphaMarshan

    OT: Rose Bowl / Sugar Bowl

    Mac Jones with that Heisman-level throw to his receiver with no defenders in the same zip code.
  10. AlphaMarshan

    OT: Rose Bowl / Sugar Bowl

  11. AlphaMarshan

    OT: Rose Bowl / Sugar Bowl

    I loathe Alabama. Truly. But watching them play shows they're just on a different level than not only us but 99% of other teams. They're methodical, everyone knows their job, they catch the ball, they protect the QB... everyone just does their job every play and yeah this could get ugly fast.
  12. AlphaMarshan

    OT: Rose Bowl / Sugar Bowl

    Watching Devonta Smith is mostly just going to make me sad, I think. Also lol at Mac Jones being some sort of Heisman candidate with that line, that WR, and that RB to open things up for him. Gimme a break.
  13. AlphaMarshan

    OT: Rose Bowl / Sugar Bowl

    Bama is going to stomp them (again) but in my head I was thinking right around 28pts so I'm not sure if I can call over or under lol