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  1. ssvir

    Pope and Wiggins

    Yeah ... not true. They all suck. Hightower 11 rec for 209 yds and 3 TDs on the season. Pope 31 rec for 389 yds and 2 TDs Wiggins 30 rec for 351 yds and 3 TDs
  2. ssvir

    Pope and Wiggins

    Yup. He's lighting **** up at Illinois. Ooops that right he sucks too.
  3. ssvir

    Pope and Wiggins

    Giant pussies at WR and you want them CB? Get Them The Fock Out Of Here.
  4. ssvir

    Pope and Wiggins

    Open down the middle of the field deep inside the redzone and ..... drop
  5. ssvir

    Pope and Wiggins

    Our guys do NOT catch anything with their hands. Pope hugs every ball likes its his blankey from 5 years old.
  6. ssvir

    Pope and Wiggins

    I'd kill to have had last year Knowles over Hall and Carter this year. Carter was an abortion this year and Hall was only slightly better as pond scum.