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  1. MyKidIsLoggedIn2MyAccount

    If ND gets blown out...

    Again you ignored ALL the context of the numbers lol. My original post described that context.
  2. MyKidIsLoggedIn2MyAccount

    If ND gets blown out...

    Which fans? Do you have a survey? Again you’re ignoring loads of context of what Diaz has already done in two years versus what kelly had done in two years as well as in his historical career.
  3. MyKidIsLoggedIn2MyAccount

    If ND gets blown out...

    Any mathematical person worth their salt would know that data points have context. -Kelly inherited a trashy .500 program of which he had nothing to do with it ever being. He wasn’t part of the .500 garbage that he inherited (hint hint). Diaz has already had like 5 program-definingly bad losses...
  4. MyKidIsLoggedIn2MyAccount

    If ND gets blown out...

    I wished we could have gotten him at the end of his Cincinnati years. I forgot he also actually was turning around even central Michigan, too. He’s like diet urban meyer: he improves a lot every program he inherits and sustains it but just not at the magnitude of Meyer. Having him here the...
  5. MyKidIsLoggedIn2MyAccount

    If ND gets blown out...

    I don’t know. he’s won 73% of his games since he’s been there if you count all seasons but 68% when they had wins stripped for using several ineligible players and now entering his third playoffs. The three coaches before him won 56.5 and 58.3 percent of the games. Holtz won 76% but he started...