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  1. HighSeas

    Honestly, What The Fvck?

    Well I agree with the bolded part. But there's only so much coaching can do at a position where you're drawing dead at the NFL level if you lack traits. Colbert and Michael Jackson are 2 guys who have bounced around the league despite being fairly slow-twitch guys who lack the short-area...
  2. HighSeas

    Honestly, What The Fvck?

    The guy I quoted didn't specify college. The point is don't make stupid porsts speaking in absolutes. Straw man What you described is the very definition of introversion. I think some of you have a warped idea of introversion. Plenty of introverts have social and communication skills. In fact...
  3. HighSeas

    Honestly, What The Fvck?

    How many NFL playoff wins do Tony Dungy and Lovie Smith have? I guess Bill Belichick doesn't have much upside as a coach cause he's an introvert. Every day on CIS I see dumber **** than ever before.