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  1. Ethnicsands

    Honestly, What The Fvck?

    Then consider the possibility that the real issue is he doesn’t believe in what he’s selling, and kids sense it. Maybe it’s manny he doesn’t believe in. Maybe it’s himself. Don’t know but lack of authenticity will kill a sale.
  2. Ethnicsands

    Honestly, What The Fvck?

    They may well be mitigated relative to how they appear for him in a different context. But that doesn’t mean they stack up well enough compared to the other coaches who are selling the same kids on their schools.
  3. Ethnicsands

    Honestly, What The Fvck?

    What you’re missing is that selling isn’t a sour the bells and whistles, it’s about the perceived personal connection and ability to close. Selling is a personality-based skill set. Some people are good at it, others not. None of those things you mention help him where he’s weak.