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  1. CanesAreAble

    Honestly, What The Fvck?

    My bad. You're right. Rumph is on the Bill Belichick trajectory. Apologies.
  2. CanesAreAble

    Honestly, What The Fvck?

    I believe Rumph is from Delray. I think one of the problems is Rumph probably has a more old school sensibility. He doesn't strike me as the type who's constantly firing off funny texts and tweets and building rapport with the players. You only get so many visits, so a lot of the...
  3. CanesAreAble

    Honestly, What The Fvck?

    I think it came out after he signed Christian Williams. That was a coup for him, and he was over the moon when he committed. Kind of tragic how it's all played out since then.
  4. CanesAreAble

    Honestly, What The Fvck?

    I think he’s naturally introverted, which is a tough hurdle for recruiting. You can be a quiet loaner and be a great football player, but coaches have to be communicators and salesmen. He opened up about going to a sports psychologist to help him be a better communicator. He doesn’t have...