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  1. CashMoneyCane

    Thread for Manny's defenders to vent

    Ehhhh... Marjory dispenses life lessons in the form of entertaining song (and impressive dance moves, given her lack of legs), so this feels like a reach in more ways than one.
  2. CashMoneyCane

    Thread for Manny's defenders to vent

    I don't see how any of this is Manny's fault. It's clearly the Trustees who spend millions on the University out-of-pocket to not win at football, and people like Jaqueline Travisano (for not Chief Operating us a better season), Joseph Friedman (for not raising enough money), Ernie Fernandez...
  3. CashMoneyCane

    Thread for Manny's defenders to vent

    This is Marjory and she's a trash heap. Definitely not a fraggle.