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  1. Ethnicsands

    Will Manny actually fire his staff?

    I've started to ask about S&C. Just because it's an improvement over the clown shows we've had around here for ages doesn't make it up to par with top programs. I mean, maybe it is ... but Manny just grabbed the Temple guy he met a day earlier and we're supposed to think this is top shelf...
  2. Ethnicsands

    Will Manny actually fire his staff?

    The incessant quoting of the 20 mph stat is bizarre and a clear sign of cluelessness by this staff. I don't care that they want to track it (though it seems dumb), but when you find yourself talking about it defensively, you know you're befuddled. Hey, we just got our azzes destroyed, and the...
  3. Ethnicsands

    Will Manny actually fire his staff?

    That's a good piece. It highlights how many little things we're seemingly oblivious to as as program. It's why I continuously harp on infrastructure. We need to change how the entire program operates in order to correct these issues.
  4. Ethnicsands

    Will Manny actually fire his staff?

    manny isn’t a legit leader. he draws his strength from the dependency of the barely qualified people he overpromotes.